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RIF Rollup | Glossary

Here is a list of terms used throughout the documentation and their meaning.

  • L1: A layer-1 blockchain (Rootstock)
  • Rollup: Layer-2 blockchain (zkSync)
  • Owner: A user who controls some assets in L2.
  • Operator: The entity operating the Rollup.
  • Eventually: Happening within finite time.
  • Assets in rollup: Assets in L2 smart contract controlled by owners.
  • Rollup key: Owner's private key used to control deposited assets.
  • Rollup block: Rollup block refers to a data batch of multiple user transactions that is processed off-chain and then a single proof of its validity is submitted to the RSK blockchain
  • Rescue signature: The result of signing the owner's message, using his private key, used in Rollup internal transactions.
  • Fee Token: A fee token is a listed token with a liquid market volume.
  • ZKP: Zero-knowledge proof
  • Transaction: What users can submit to the operator directly.
  • Priority operation: What users can submit to the zkSync smart contract.
  • Rollup operation: Part of the rollup block representing Transaction or Priority operation.
  • Onchain operation: What the operator can put into the rollup block pubdata (operation pubdata).
  • Node implementation: Node model that describes an operation.
  • Circuit implementation: Circuit model that describes the operation and its witness.
  • Chunk: The dimension of the operation. Each chunk has its own part of the public data (10 bytes) given through witnesses.
  • Significant bytes: How many bytes, of all bytes occupied by the operation, are significant (including operation number).
  • Hash: The result of SHA-256 function with operation's pubdata as input. Used for operation identification.
  • zk-SNARKs: Succinct Non-Interactive ARgument of Knowledge
  • on-chain Data Availability: After processing transactions off-chain, RIF Rollup generates a cryptographic proof, known as a zkRollup, which summarizes all the transaction data. This zkRollup proof is then committed to the Rootstock blockchain. This commitment contains a cryptographic hash that represents the zkSync state changes without revealing the transaction details themselves. This guarantees that anyone can verify that the transactions were processed correctly.

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