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RIF Multisig SDK - ERC721 Transactions

ERC721 Transactions

The @rsksmart/safe-transactions-sdk package facilitates the creation of ERC721 transactions.

The ERC721TransactionBuilder provides a set of methods related to ERC721 transactions.

  • Initialize the ERC721TransactionBuilder.


    import { ERC721TransactionBuilder } from "@rsksmart/safe-transactions-sdk";
    const erc721TransactionBuilder = ERC721TransactionBuilder.create(


  • TransferFrom transaction

    • Parameters
      • from: string - the address from which transfers the token identified by tokenId
      • to: string - the address will receive the token identified by tokenId
      • tokenId: BigNumber - the id of the token will be transferred to address to


    const safeTransaction = await erc721TransactionBuilder.transferFrom(


    IMPORTANT: Only the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved address can call this method, see ERC721


  • SafeTransferFrom transactions

    • The safeTransferFrom methods perform the same operation performed by transferFrom and additionally, if the receiver is a contract address, they check if the contract address implements the interface ERC721TokenReceiver and it returns the value 0x150b7a02, obtained from bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)")). For further info, see ERC721
    interface ERC721TokenReceiver {
        function onERC721Received(address _operator, address _from, uint256 _tokenId, bytes _data) external returns(bytes4);

    IMPORTANT: Only the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved address can call this method, see ERC721

    • Parameters
      • from: string - the address from which transfers the token identified by tokenId
      • to: string - the address will receive the token identified by tokenId
      • tokenId: BigNumber - the id of the token will be transferred to address to
      • data: string - Optional, the data that will be sent to the receiver with the onERC721Received call.


    await erc721TransactionBuilder.safeTransferFrom(


    It can be called with the optional data parameter that will be sent to the receiver with the onERC721Received call.

    await erc721TransactionBuilder.safeTransferFrom(


  • Approve transaction

    • Parameters:
      • approved: string - the address allowed to execute transfer operations on behalf of the owner
      • tokenId: BigNumber - the id of the token


    await erc721TransactionBuilder.approve(approved, tokenId);


    IMPORTANT: See ERC721 approval method


  • SetApprovalForAll Transaction

    • It sets or unsets approval for a specific operator, that allows the operator to perform transfer operations on behalf of the owner.

    • Parameters

      • operator: string - the address allowed/forbidden to execute transfer operations on behalf of the owner's tokens
      • approved: boolean - set to true to allow the operator to execute the operations on behalf of the owner, can be set to false to disallow the approval.


    await erc721TransactionBuilder.setApprovalForAll(


    IMPORTANT: See ERC721 setApprovalForAll method


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